I purchased a new mobile phone yesterday, as my other one has been playing up for quite some time now. I ended up getting a Nokia N97 mini, as I could get that for free on my current plan, which was a bonus! It has a touch screen as well as a qwerty keyboard, and a 5 mp camera, which will be great for when I am out and about without my SLR camera. I did the scrapbooking classes with Ngaire Bartlett yesterday, they were great fun, and the ladies that went as well as Ngaire were all really good, fun company, so everyone had a great time. These are the pages we made:

I had a huge sleep in this morning until about 10am... I must have been tired as I didn't even stir until about 8.30, and then easily went back to sleep until later. I spent most of the day catching up on a bit of washing, I also packed up the older sewing machine to give to Kerrie, and then I called around to Ann's to pick up a wedding bouquet to start the preservation on. Ann was at a wedding yesterday, and told the bride about my preservation services, and the bride booked in the job there and then, so I have put all of that in the drying chambers and it will happily dry away for the next few weeks, ready for the next steps in the process. Tonight I have cut out some more fabric for a 2nd purse insert, as I am going to make one for Mum for Mothers Day, and I wanted to get the basics done before my surgery this week. I also sorted out some of the other projects coming up, and got some of the fabric together from my stash, and have stored each project in it's own large ziplock bag, which is much neater. I have been having this absolutely foul, chemically taste in my mouth the last few days, I don't know what it is, but I think I need to go to the dentist to see if I have some sort of infection or something, I have never had anything like this, so I think it needs to be investigated.
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