Wow, what a busy few days it has been! Time has just flown by, I can't believe it is halfway through the weekend already....
Thursday, I transferred my craft things from the office to the spare room. Here is how it looked after I had moved everything in, and before sorting...
Here is how things looked after sorting :)
This cleanout took me all day. I haven't managed to get to cleaning up the office as yet, but having all of the craft things out has made things much less cramped already, so I should get to the cleanup next week. On Friday I had to do some running around, I called into Endos, and picked up a fantastic little binder case for $6, which is exactly the right size for scrapbooking cardstock and paper.

I also picked up a hair straightener for $4, it has ceramic plates, so is really nice to use. I then went to Lifeline and picked up a lovely chair for the desk in the craft room, I am going to paint it white and shabby chic it.(Photo to come) After that I went to a scrapbooking crop, we went to a different place at Woody Point, as our usual place cancelled their crop as she wasn't well. The ladies there were all really lovely, and one of the owners there is an ex florist, so we had a great chat about the industry in general and particular florists and what they are doing now. The shop was very, very small though, and we were all pretty cramped, this was the only drawback though, and both Ann and I had a good night there. I started on a paper bag album for our Easter photos. I managed to get all of the pages covered, and a couple of pages completed, but it will probably take me a few crops to finish it off. This is what I have done so far:
This is the front cover:
This page is one large page and a smaller fold over page attached, it is quite eye catching.The colours haven't really showed up that great, they are much nicer in real life.
I think I will be having a sleep in tomorrow. :)
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