I have quite enjoyed this class today, as I really wanted to do the beginners class and get the basics on cutting out even squares and the general idea of patchwork. We are just making a table runner initially, so that it is an achievable project first up, that we can all finish over the 2 classes. This is what I achieved today
I have decided I wanted to do mine in country colours, but I think it will end up being Christmassy. I am going to try and make another one in conjunction with this one in different colours, maybe something definitely a bit more country, so I finish 2 at the same time. I will see how I go. Or else I might go with something in the white tones to give to Mum for Mothers Day, as she wants to change her bedroom furniture to white...hmmm....not sure now.....might have to make 3!!!!
Tomorrow I will be scrapbooking all day, :) Blossies have a guest designer Ngaire Bartlam coming, so I have booked in for both of her classes, which should be good fun. Ann is doing the morning class as well. Ann and I are going to a scrapbooking convention in Sydney in a couple of weeks, and I am really looking forward to it. I have to catch up on loading a few photos on here from the last couple of weeks, I am planning on spending the entire week at home next week, catching up on officework, I have my surgery on Wednesday, so will spend the last half of the week recuperating and catching up on some reading, and will have the laptop inside to catch up on blogs etc and online stuff. I have to also go and buy a new phone some time over the next few days, as mine is playing up, and I am unable to do anything at all with messages. Not sure what I will get yet, but Ithink it will be a Nokia as I find they are better for getting service here, just have to do a bit more research before making a final decision.
I am also hoping to start on my large pincushion as I want to start on the hand needlework so I have something to do while I am in hospital, and when I come home. I haven't done any needlework before, but I think I should go ok with it.This is the pattern I am using

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