I am setting myself a challenge to spend 1 hour a day outside in the garden, as I want to really get the vegetable garden pumping along for autumn and winter, and there is a lot of work I want to do in the general gardens to get them looking nice. I made a start yesterday by putting a new layer of dry bedding mulch in the chooks house, as we have had so much rain lately, everything is so wet, and the girls will appreciate having dry feet. I also pulled some weeds in the vegie garden, so that is a start. The challenge will be weather dependent, if it is raining or too hot, I will leave it for the next day. I suppose, even if I can only meet the challenge half of the time, then that's a pretty good start, and more than I am managing now anyway. If I can manage each day, then that's 7 hours a week in the gardens, that should improve my harvests and keep everything looking maintained and nice, without too much effort.

Today I am planning on doing more weeding in the vegie garden and getting it re-mulched and ready for planting, and later on I will work out what needs to be planted so I can get the seeds and seedlings organised for planting. I have been working on a PDF document, collecting planting information for each month and plant profiles etc, but that came to an abrupt halt with the renovations, so hopefully I can get back to that soon, as it will be an easy on hand reference guide for me, and save me keeping heaps of magazines
as clutter in storage. What's your plans for your gardens today?
Would anybody like to join in with my hour a day challenge, maybe we can motivate each other?
Let me know if you join up in the comments below, and I will keep a list of everyone participating below.
You are welcome to save the hour a day garden challenge picture above and use it on your blog to show you are participating if you wish.
I have been living in St Louis area w/Daught and sil. My backyard is densly shaded, and I have been gently reminded that it is not really my yard to do with what I want. I am moving to Colorado and would love to start a community garden somewhere. I am IN. Like you say, it may be too hot or rainy (not a lot of rain in Colorado) but we will do our best, won't we?