Had a busy weekend...it's flown by...had a wedding yesterday, some lovely bouquets with delicate lily of the valley
Did a little bit of embroidery on some towels for Mum last night. Went to the craft fair with Mum today, picked up some lovely goodies. some lovely bling for my wedding bouquets, some well priced stabiliser for embroidery, a gorgeous little panel, some lace flowers and flower embellishments,
And I just couldn't resist...a little addition to my Christmas collection...I just LOVE this, santa on a cow with a duck...it stands about 25 cm tall, so is a really good size...very vintage looking, and the wheels even move...
Kasey had a lovely day while Mum and I were wandering around the craft fair, she spent the day with her cousin Gemma, wandering around Southbank, and they also went to the Maritime Museum, and Kasey also had her face painted...the face painter did a fab job on the face painting...Kasey did not want to have a shower tonight and wash it off...

The clucky hen must be nearly due to have her chicks I think...I am hoping to head out tomorrow afternoon and pick up a chicken tractor to move her in to, so I can make sure that she and her chicks are all safe and sound, and away from the other chooks while the babies are so little....they currently nest up high and baby chicks wouldn't be able to get in and out of the nesting area...so maybe some new babies to add to the brood this week...I wish I had known about egg dowsing before she went clucky so I could have tried to eliminate some of the male eggs...but nevermind...I know for next time...not too busy a week coming up hopefully, I will see if I can get the office painted this week....and organise a tiler...Michael had a mate lined up to come and do it, but we haven't seen hide nor hair of him, so I will just organise it myself I think... I planted some strawberry plants, some rockmelon and some lettuce this week, one of the chickens got in to the vegie garden and scratched up the rockmelon plants though,,,,grrrr...so I managed to replant 2 of them, but not sure that they will make it....