I am back home today from the farm. The nights have been very chilly. Before leaving yesterday I was sitting in the caravan with woollen leggings, jeans, jumper, woollen jacket, socks, ugg boots, gloves, hot cup of tea and a hot water bottle just to start to thaw out! I enjoyed putting the logs on the fireplace at home last night that's for sure. Before I left I took a few photos to update here with. I am slowly getting the cows used to us. I have been putting a biscuit of lucerne and some molasses on the front of the quad bike and calling them up. They came up much quicker the 2nd day. There are 6 that are much quieter than the other 10, the 10 all stay back just checking me out, but they are all getting much better.
I don't want to get too attached to any of them, but I do want them to come for food when we need them to, and not be afraid of us. I also took a few random shots from up on the hill where we will eventually build the house to the view below. These are a couple of really pretty spots to overlook.
I thought this timber stack would be a nice photo overlooking the mountains, if you look carefully you will see a little willy wagtail in the shot on the end of the stick closest to the top of the mountains...he flew in as soon as I started clicking away...what a poser!
He was determined to be in these photos, he then flew to the other side and posed on top of another branch...
We are having some issues with council up at the property. We have a gazetted road which brings us in the 1.2klms from the main road which is in need of repairs to make it accessible in all weathers, Bundaberg council doesn't want to do anything at all to maintain their road, so it looks like it is up to us to ensure it is accessible in all weather, which is what we were expecting anyway, but you would think they could at least grade it or something...but no...not a chance at the moment. It does make it difficult though, because we then become responsible for the road in and for all future repairs. Oh well, may be an opportunity for us to name the road after ourselves..hehe...I'm sure the locals would love that! But at the moment it looks like council won't do anything for us, but then they want to dictate what we are able to do to the road to make it accessible to their standards, even though they won't bring it up to their standards themselves, make us wonder what we are paying rates for...talk about wanting everything their own way. So back home now, and I need to organise a few things to still be done around here. I seriously need to get back in to my routines, they are all over the place right now with dividing my time between the 2 properties...I need to make some yoghurt, do the washing, mop the floors, put on the slow cooker for dinner, as well as finish off the decorating and renovating around the place....energy, where are you?