
Friday, October 15, 2010

Some relaxation time coming up

I have finished delivering the wedding for today, I now have the weekend free.  This is today's wedding:
I am loving the purples....but purple is my favourite colour so I am a bit biased... I enjoyed putting on a relaxation cd last night, along with a scented candle and a Tia Maria for company, after Kasey went to bed I had a couple of hours to myself, and it was very relaxing.  I am planning on doing the same tonight before dinner for a little while.  I called in to the video store on the way home from Kasey's swimming lesson, and picked up some DVD's, I wanted some comedies so that I can sit and have a good belly laugh later...they say laughter is the best medicine, so I am going to put it to the test.  Looks like we're in for some more rain tonight, the vegie garden can't take too much more, some things are starting to suffer...I also haven't really done any sewing for the last couple of weeks as my energy and motivation have been suffering again for the last few weeks, I am going back to see my naturopath on Monday, so naughty foods will probably be out again for a while I think :(  I have a couple of quotes tomorrow, but otherwise my weekend is free....yippee....

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