
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The drying out begins......

What a gorgeous day outside. The sun is shining, things are starting to dry out a little here, I have opened up the windows and doors to let in the fresh air. I made myself get up this morning when my 6am alarm went off, and I have already hung a couple of loads of washing out, Kasey is ready for school, I have my joggers on, and I am ready to face the day.  I have a wedding to prepare today for tomorrow, so that will keep me busy for the day. I was meant to go to sewing yesterday to finish the free motion stitching on my Back on the Farm quilt, but was feeling very overwhelmed with lots of things that had cropped up yesterday morning, so I ended up staying home.  I am glad I did now, as I got to watch the Chilean miners rescue begin.  I deinitely had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes when they got the first miner out, and the 2nd miner out was's going to take a while to get them all out, but that was history in the making... I am definitely feeling brighter today, so I hope that continues. I have started back on my healthy eating regime from my naturopath today, and I have been on very, very minimal sugar the last few days, with the view to getting sugar out of my life as much as possible. I am also going to contact my naturopath today and make an appointment to see her, and start back on some of my supplements, as I have let all that slide over the last few months, and I have definitely gone backwards again....I am looking in to another therapy at the moment, which involves a few lifestyle changes, so I will see what information they give me over the next few days and make a decision on whether that is for me or not.  Anyway, I am also going to make a concerted effort to spend only minimal time each day on my computer, so after checking my emails and a couple of blogs, the computer will be off for the day, and I will go and get stuck in to tomorrow's wedding.

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