
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Making sweet chilli sauce

Damian was given a bag of chillies a few weeks back, and today I had to use them up before they went bad. I ran out of sweet chilli sauce last night, so that seemed a good place to start. I used this recipe.

Not sure how it tasted yet, as it is still cooling, I hope it tastes nice. Kasey received a gold medal award for her Piano for last year from the Australian College of Music, best exam results in the state for her exam level. She was pretty stoked, and we are very proud of her efforts.

Another dry, hot day for us here. I am well and truly over it...where is the rain??  I can't grow anything because it is so hot and dry, everything is dusty and dirty, the cattle are now being bought food and water...I fear that we aren't going to get any decent rain until next summer...


  1. This is my recipe. I call it Chili Jam, but sauce is just a little bit thinner. If you're not happy with the taste recipe, try this one. It always works, and we love it.

    1. Thankyou Linda, I will have a look at that one as well....

  2. What a great achievement for Kasey good on her. Oh how I am dreaming of rain and I am sure it is much drier at your place.

    1. Thanks Fiona, she worked really hard for her results, so it paid off for her. We are all dreaming of the rain...maybe we might have a wet easter??
