
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Grace has arrived

Our grand daughter and first grandchild made her entrance in to the world on Thursday..Grace Michelle, born 16.1.2014 at 12.11pm, weighing 7lb8oz, 11 days early. She came by caesarian...this is the moment of her arrival, taken by a doctor in the delivery theatre. This was a lovely thing for the doctor to do, and he took lots and lots of photos of the birth, and of the first moments of the new Mum and Dad with their precious bundle, which I though was such a nice thought.
Mum and bub are both doing well, and Dad is extremely proud.
She is such a tiny little thing, she is in size 00000....and we are all absolutely smitten.
 Grace with Aunty Kasey, Grandad and Grandma xx
It's been a whirlwind few days, and a very exciting time, welcoming a gorgeous new baby to our family. I have started pinning some lovely projects to make at the sewing machine this year.
"Grace Michelle DOB 16 January, 2014"


  1. Congratulations Deb, and to the new parents, and welcome to the world Grace, she does look so tiny especially when her dad is holding her. She is beautiful :)
