
Thursday, February 7, 2013

More snakes and some furniture making...

Got back from dropping Kasey at school this morning, and found another snake on the verandah. This time a black one...just sitting there with its' head up looking over at where the dogs and chooks are. It took off fairly quickly, but it slithered up underneath the corrugated iron on the side wall of the shed... Damian is going to need to seal that off when he gets home, they can't go far, but I don't want them getting in there at all. They are quite noisy when slithering on the concrete, you can hear their skin skimming on the surface. I was much calmer with this one, because I saw it before I got to the concrete so I was able to stop a few metres away from it and watch what it did. I bet when Damian gets home we don't see any!
I decided to stay home yesterday and build the little table for the sofa. I saw the idea on Holly's blog for a "c" table, and totally loved it, and thought "I could make that" I did. Was only a couple of hours work including the painting and I L.O.V.E it....
I have washing to do today, our machine has been playing up since we moved, I think something has either broken or isn't sitting right after transporting it up here. It causes it to continually go off balance during the spin, annoying, but I am working around it. Then I might make some more stuff, got the wood working bug a little bit now....

1 comment:

  1. Of course you can Holly....I absolutely love your blog, you have so many fantastic ideas, I was so excited when I came across your blog last year, as I had been trying to put a finger on my style for so long but just couldn't get it sorted in my head. You were definitely my "Aha" moment....
