
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hand Made Moisturising Cream

I ran out of moisturising cream about a week ago, so today I finally got around to making some. This was my first effort at making moisturising cream and I was just going on memory from making some at a class early 2011. It worked out quite well, and I have ended up with nearly 1 litre of very good quality moisturising cream, which is very light and moisturising, for a total cost of about $5. Goes to show how much money cosmetic companies make out of their products. And I know exactly what is in this, all it contains is oils, emulsifying wax and boiled water. I will experiment later with different oils and butters and essential oils to expand the moisturising properties, and scent, but I quite like to natural smell of this cream without any essential oils.
(Mixing the hot wax and oils with the water)
( Bottling Up)
(Completed Product)
We are getting some drizzly rain here today, it's coolish, and it's been nice catching up on reading some blogs and some books with lots of cups of tea and my warm slippers.
Gotta love rainy days sometimes!

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