
Friday, March 16, 2012

IPad carry bag

I made this carry bag/stand for my iPad at the sewing is. Much more convenient way to carry my iPad, and with some built in storage I can keep a cleaning cloth and some notes etc in the pockets both inside the case and on the outside...and it has ended up looking quite rustic and pretty....

It stands up tall on the back flap, or lower down on the bottom flap, however, I do find it a little flimsy, so I want to put a thicker sheet of perspex or cardboard in, so that it stands up better. Overall though, I am very happy with it. I managed a small harvest today, 5 eggs (only 2 in this pic) a small bunch of ceylon spinach to make a cheesy spinach quiche for dinner, and a capsicum (quite small) and a bit of a mangey looking cucumber. I planted the cucumber, zuccini and rockmelon quite late, and with all of the rain we have had, and my non motivation out in the garden, all I have managed to get is 1 single solitary mangey looking's just been soooo wet, so many things in the vegie garden are suffering.
I am really hoping to get my gardening motivation happening very soon, as there is lots to plant out. I am exhausted after the inside renovations, and I am finding it hard to get some energy back, other than in little spurts at the moment.  I have a little challenge in mind for myself which I am working on to help in this area.

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