
Saturday, March 31, 2012

The farm tractor

We are currently getting organised to head up to friends and then our property over Easter, so needed to start thinking seriously about getting a tractor for slashing and work around the farm, as with all of the rain we have had, we are expecting the grass to be very, very long.
Update: The grass is very long, just got a photo from friends who have picked up our caravan for us....this is the little white car that got left behind when we purchased the's in there...a bit longer and it might have been missed
 We have been looking for a little while but finding something second hand, and decent and not too old for the right money has taken a little while. But we have today purchased a tractor, and it will be delivered the day after Easter so we will be able to do some serious work up there while away. We are just organising the slasher for it, so hopefully we will get that the same time as the tractor.

 We are going to need to organise a front bucket for it, to make it more versatile, so I suppose that will be next on the list, as well as a post hole borer and block, money money...

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