
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Crocheted Headband

I decided I would crochet myself a headband last night to keep my mind off the cyclone heading towards the was very quick and easy, just all triple crochet, Kasey would like me to make her one as well, I am happy with how it has come up...might make a few more in different's a bit messy though...
I plan to spend today doing some baking, lots of things in mind to cook up for lunches etc. We have had so much rain here, there was ankle deep water through the car turnaround bay and carport last night..the yard up the back is so wet, it's gonna be a jungle when it finally dries out enough to be mowed. Hopefully I can get through to the boys today on the phone to see how they's supposed to be hitting them early morning...I'm hoping it's just heavy rain by the time it gets to hour in the garden wasn't spent quite how I envisaged yesterday, I spent most of it trying to find the missing guinea fowl, with no success...and then I did a bit of weeding, but got rained out. It's too wet to plant anything up there at the moment anyway...this rain is really playing havoc with the vegie garden..oh well, the trials and tribulations of growing food...

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