
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Still painting....yawn...but holiday here we come!

I am still over it..Kasey's room is finished, but I bought her a new bed with storage and I have been painting it white..I thought it would be a quick job....very wrong..the paint just isn't applying evenly no matter whether I spray it, roll it or brush it...I have put about 6 coats as well as the's not perfect, but I think it will do. I have also been painting her bedroom door as well as Toni's new robe back isn't coping too well with the painting..think I will be getting a painter in to finish the house as it is just putting too much of a strain on my very busy days...I don't feel like cooking, washing, cleaning or anything...however, we have booked a holiday for an 11 day cruise this month to the islands of Vanuatu....all the kids are staying just the 2 of us.....very excited...we both really need the grandparents will be up for some time with the grandkids while we are away....the 2 big kids are fine...shouldn't call them kids, they are both adults, but there will be days that grandma and grandad will need to help out when Uni and work duties call...yippee..can't wait...I am also going on a sewing retreat with mum this weekend, really looking forward to that as a big wedding to prep tomorrow for Friday...then off to the retreat after that is delivered...

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