
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lemon Myrtle soap

I made a batch of soap on Sunday, I used a gorgeous lemon myrtle essential smells divine....I am waiting on some oils to arrive from my suppliers, as I need to make up some more batches, as we are running quite low on soap, this batch made 11 bars and 5 round roses. I used a small amount of yellow clay to give it a lemony coloured tint. I have planted a lemon myrtle in the front garden, to use as a botanical in future soap making. I first came across one in the bus tour we did during the permaculture course, and the smell of those leaves is absolutely amazing...I could walk around smelling them all day long...mmmm


  1. Oh those look lovely - so nice that you used the yellow clay. I love the smell of lemon myrtle, but they do grow very big - so I wont be getting one any time soon.

  2. I love lemon myrtle too - very yummy in cooking - have you tried the lemon myrtle cake and shortbread (i think) that the American couple sell at a lot of the farmers markets on the Sunshine Coast - just divine! I haven't read your blog for ages and got to the bit about your dog's arthritis - may I suggest you go over to Sonya's blog permaculture pathways - she had the same problem and has really good results for her dog. Now back to reading..... love your blog

  3. Lemon myrtle is supposed to be excellent for treating acne so this soap would be ideal.
