
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Animal progress

A 2nd of the new chickens came down with an infected eye a week and a half ago, so I put them on antibiotics and eye cream. This is the 2nd chicken that came down with the infected eye:

This is the first chick, she basically had her eye permanently shut:

 This is her eye now:
This is the 2nd chicks eye now as well...all better.
They were on antibiotics in their water for 5 days, and they were separated from the other chooks to stop it spreading anymore. I also applied cream twice a day to the infected eyes to help clear up the infection.They have all now been reintegrated with the big girls, and are now doing well. I have also purchased some vitamin/antibiotic tonic from the pet barn, to treat all of the other chooks with once a week. I lost one of the sussex girls last Friday, no clue why, just found her dead, so I will give all the girls a treatment each week, to try and build up their immunity, and get them all nice and healthy and try and ward off whatever is affecting them.  I want to move them in to a chicken tractor for a while as well, to get them on to new ground, in case their is a soil borne critter that is affecting them. Diesel is also growing up, he is now 9 weeks old. He seems to be getting quite used to the chooks, he is quite happy to just wander around with them now, and doesn't chase them at all...hopefully that will continue! There is definitely something to be said for starting them off early to get used to the chickens.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get the problem with their eyes under control soon and Yes Diesel is certainly growing.
