
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A new sewing machine and backing up a little....

I have had sewing classes yesterday and today.  I have started on a textured Xmas table runner  which has 3 dimensional embroideries on it it rich creams and burgundy's, including rich ribbon embellishments, velvet etc. Today I started on a Xmas tree skirt, it is a stained glass look, meaning that all of the seams are joined in gold strips, it is looking very rich and regal, and is in some gorgeous Xmassy prints.  This is the work in progress so far:

I still need to join the seams with the gold binding to give it that stained glass look, and to the quilting etc.  The photo doesn't do the colours justice though.  I am going to pull out of most of the sewing classes for the rest of the month, other than the 2 I have just started.  I will do the BOM projects from home for a couple of months, and try to catch up on the Xmas prep and shopping, and get the house back in to order.  I also purchased a new sewing machine last week, it hasn't arrived yet as it has only just been released, probably a few weeks I would say, which will give me time to finish paying for it!!  I have purchased a gorgeous Husqvarna Ruby is sooo nice...

Tomorrow is a home day, and I will be catching up on the washing, mowing, cleaning etc, and just trying to get some order back in to things, as I have been so overwhelmed of late.  I did place a winning bet on the Melbourne cup today, turned $5 into $60, thanks to Charmaine the physic on the radio this morning, who predicted number hopefully with the few little things I am doing and saying no to, I will start to feel a bit more in control of things's hoping anyway....

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