
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Busy, busy....

Hmmm, this week has been pretty busy, I will try to remember what I have done so far....Sunday was not too much, had a BBQ dinner and then watched a movie. Monday was paperwork, I also had a follow up with my doc, and we tweaked my medication a little, so will see how that goes...Tuesday was a bit more paperwork and a few things around home...can't remember what...Wednesday I can't really remember either..this is why I should write my blog daily!!  Oh actually, I was doing wedding prep on both Tuesday and Wednesday with a few little errands thrown in for good measure. Thursday I had sewing club in the morning, but I couldn't stay for the sewing in the afternoon, as I had more wedding prep. Today has been weddings all day...this weekend is the busiest weekend of the year, and I had 3 weddings to do today!!   The good news is that they are all done, and were done by 7pm, due to all of the prep I did on Wed and Thurs.  Now I just need to deliver them all tomorrow, and when i get back, get Sunday's wedding all done....phew...thank goodness it's only this busy once this year, then back to normality.  I can't sleep at the moment, so  I am catching up on some reading, and having a cuppa, and hopefully then I can sleep.  I think it's due to a bit of anxiety about all of the wedding deliveries tomorrow...silly I know...but the mind can be a fickle creature...

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can relax a little after the big weekend weddings:-)
