
Monday, July 5, 2010


Here is Penny

Here is Sam not real happy with Penny...

Here is Penny...crowing!!! Oh dear...... :( Just typical, 50/50 chance of getting a boy....they swore he was a girl.....I'll have to learn how the tell the sexes of chickens.....

Kasey came running in yesterday afternoon telling me that Penny was crowing, and I said"Nah....Penny's a girl, she would have just been clucking" Kasey said, "No Mum, she was crowing" So I went outside and sure enough....2 roosters crowing!!!....What a pity, he is such a spunky rooster....but I can only have one, so one will have to go.....they are just starting to fight, so will have to do it soon.....anyone want a rooster???  Don't know which chook the tiny, yolkless egg came from...but it obviously wasn't've had my suspicions for a few weeks, just by the look of him with the way his feathers have been growing so long and rooster looking, but the tiny egg really threw me off, as all of the other girls have been laying for ages.... I am really disappointed, he reminds me of the country roosters you see in all of the artworks and on mugs etc.....and he would have made gorgeous chickens

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