
Monday, April 26, 2010

Feeling better

I am currently sitting on our lounge with the laptop catching up on some blog and website reading. I spent a bit of time yesterday watching a few movies, and doing some of the needlework on the vintage pin cushion I am making. It is coming up ok for my first effort and needlework. My tummy is feeling much better today, and I have had no painkillers since I got up this morning.  I have also managed to do a bit of vacuuming, as the floors really needed it, and did a little clean up and vacuum in the office. It has been very slow going with the vacuuming, but I am pleased to be a little on the move again. I have a little bit of paperwork to catchup on over the next few days while I am still recuperating, and then will be back in to the full swing of things hopefully.  I was a bit naseous this morning, and have been a bit off food etc, so I hope that goes away soon. Anyway, onwards and upwards :)

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