
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today I went to see my naturopath for my follow up appointment, and also to have a follow up brain and body scan. All looks really good, and I have been taken off a lot of the supplements, and she would like me to do another test to ensure my stomach infection has completely gone, but otherwise I will just plod along for a little while. Once I got home, I caught up on my QWF quotes and emails, and secured another wedding for May. This afternoon I went to see the surgeon about my gallstones, and I am booked in for the 21st April for surgery to remove my gallbladder, not looking forward to that, but better than the pain associated with gall stone attacks, that's for sure. I put Beef goulash in the slow cooker for dinner tonight, so that is just about ready, we are having that with some sweet potato - of course - and beans, pumpkin and cabbage, yummy. I am feeling a bit tired, so I think after that I will settle in for a night of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters, then call it a day :)

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