
Friday, March 19, 2010

This morning was quite busy. I folded and put away the washing, from Tuesday, and put on 3 more loads and hung them out. I have also put 3 coats of colour on the gerberas and sealed them and they are now ready for framing. I will get the frame and matts tomorrow, and ask Damian to construct the box for me so that I can get them framed over the weekend. I have also mowed the front yard and raked up the excess grass, as the grass has been growing before our eyes with all of the rain we have had. The rest of the yard and the trenches desperately need mowing, but it is still way too wet to be able to mow these areas yet. I have also gone over the verandahs with the blower to tidy them up.  I have rung the hospital to do my pre admission for my surgery, and have also rung the eye hospital and confirmed Toni's operation for next Friday. I would ideally like to weed spray some time today while it isn't raining, but I have had a very sore back the last couple of days, I have pulled a muscle or something, and the backpack for the sprayer is very heavy when full and puts a big strain on my back, so I am not sure if I will do that or not. It is also that "blessed" time of the month, so the back and tummy are a bit sore already, without these extra things to make it worse. The weather is also starting to look a bit suss, so I think it will have to wait for another day. I have also rung the sewing shop and confirmed my attendance at the Bali Bag making class this Saturday, and they are going to email me over the requirements list for that a bit later today, I am really looking forward to this class, as I really like the bag, and I think I will get heaps of use out of it, as it is a really big bag. I haven't done any more on my table runner from Tuesday night yet, I have only taken the machine out of the car this morning, so may do some later today or tonight rather than watching the stupervision :) 
I may try to clean out the pantry today, it is really in need of an organisational clean out, it has steadily gotten worse and worse over the last few months since I last did it, as things don't get put back where they should, and it eventually ends up a mess. I have collected and purchased a few extra large glass canisters over the last few weeks as well, so will transfer some things into these while I am going. I would eventually like to have the pantry full of these for neatness, and I much prefer glass containers to plastic ones, even though Tupperware is fantastic, I just don't have enough Tupperware for everything in my pantry and it is very expensive, and the glass jars are either free or very very cheap.

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