
Friday, March 12, 2010

Another busy day

I went to my doctor this morning, and she confirmed that I will need to have surgery to have my gall bladder removed. I go to see the specialist on Monday, and will go from there. Today I also tracked down some suppliers for Damian's birthday present, his birthday is tomorrow - it's going to be an expensive week! I also dropped off a preservation to my framer, for him to finish off. This client is picking this up this weekend.

Currently I am doing some final research on Damian's present, and catching up on a few emails. Another busy day! If I go with the supplier I spoke to today, I will be heading down to the Gold Coast in the morning to pick it up, as I don't trust a courier to get it here in time.
I also went to the op shop this morning, I am looking for a new set of handles for a fantastic scrap booking tote I picked up from a kerbside collection a couple of weeks ago. I ended up purchasing a really great suitcase with pull up handles, but it is such a fantastic case, that I might end up just keeping it as it is, and looking for another one for the handles. I also picked up a really nice pottery casserole dish with lid, and a Tupperware microwave casserole dish, I have been on the look out for one of these for quite a while. While there, I also picked up a new hair straightener, and 10 editions of Handmade magazine. After I dropped off my preservation, I called in to the other second hand shop next to it, and picked up 5 glass preserving type jars for $5 for the lot, this was a bargain.I really enjoy getting in to the nooks and crannies at the op shops, I think I inherited this gene from Mum!

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